Welcome To River Valley Ranch
River Valley Ranch lies in an idyllic valley with fertile fields and the Kootenay River running though it.
River Valley Ranch is an old world mixed farm applying bio-dynamic farming practices to the individual and the whole. The farm and household are off-grid and run on alternative energy. The farm is nestled in the Rocky Mountain Trench and is bounded by the Kootenay River and Crown Land. A small vineyard is being sited on a sunny south west slope. The permaculture vineyard will host an understory guild of wild and farmed crops, and will be a refuge for wild bees. As we build out the farm we are also adding a new orchard for other mixed fruit and nut trees at the farmhouse site.
The farmland, vineyard, eggs, meat, vegetables and fruit are all permaculture based. An example of our closed circle farming practice is the use of our own raw goat milk to produce our vineyard and orchard sprays. Raw milk contains wonderful antiseptic properties and enzymes that act as fungal control and give foliar nutrition to the plant. We do the same for our pasture and hayfields with no petrochemical fertilizers or inputs added to our land.
Our livestock includes farm reared poultry (meat and heritage egg layers), heritage purebred registered Highland cattle, dairy goats and heritage breed pigs. Lassa, Max and Maya, our rare breed English Shepherd herding farm dogs oversee the farm. (See article published in COABC magazine on Lassa and Max)

River Valley Ranch is a farm where animals freely range on grass pasture, herb filled meadows, and our own forest land. Animals forage for themselves supplemented with farm grown produce, grains and hay (Certified Organic only grains). No GMO, silage or industrial by-products are used on the farm.
Please visit back regularly as we add updates and items of interest for River Valley Ranch.
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